A mile of road will take you one mile...
A mile of runway will take you anywhere
Seacoast Christian Academy offers an aviation course of study that prepares students to qualify for the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) Private Pilot License and Certification. Students who complete the program will qualify to pursue a commercial pilot license after graduation from SCA.

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Yes, Seacoast Christian Academy is accredited with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Please visit www.acsi.org for more information.
Teachers are required to hold at least a 4 year college degree. Before hiring, SCA teachers must submit a complete employment application, pass a thorough background check, and sign a statement of faith affirming a personal faith in Jesus Christ. All SCA teachers are certified by and maintain teaching credentials with ACSI. Teachers must also maintain a professional development plan earning continuing education units by attending educational workshops, seminars, and training sessions each year.
Acceptance to Seacoast Christian Academy is granted to those students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin who demonstrate a sincere desire to have a Biblically-based education and who meet the requirements of entrance. Prospective students, grades six through twelve, will be interviewed by the Administration.
A letter of recommendation is required from a youth pastor and/or principal/ guidance counselor. A student is admitted to Seacoast on the basis of his/her former record, available space, and an entrance examination for proper placement. Please contact the school office to arrange a tour of the school and to receive an admission packet.
Our graduates have enrolled in colleges/universities such as: Berry College, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida State College at Jacksonville, Florida State University, Liberty University, Southeastern University, United States Naval Academy, University of Florida, University of North Florida, University of Oregon, University of Pittsburgh, and the University of South Florida.
Yes, we offer a healthy lunch program. Parents may order lunches online or request a lunch menu each week. Students may also bring a lunch from home that meets the Healthy Students Lunch Program.
Students are required to wear school uniforms. Students purchase uniforms from RC Uniforms Store.
No, we do not provide transportation to and from school.
Yes, Our Extended Day Care Program (EDC Program) is for K-5th grade and operates only on days when school is in session for students. (*Does not operate in summer months) Students may be signed into the program no earlier than 6:30 am. Afternoon program begins promptly at the end of the school day and end no later than 6:00pm. An authorized person must sign their student(s) in during
morning hours and out during afternoon hours, No Exceptions.
Seacoast offers a challenging academic program that is designed to prepare students for their next academic level. SCA currently offers honor classes in high school English and Mathematics, and AP English Literature and AP English Language. Juniors and Seniors who are academically eligible may participate in a dual enrollment program through Florida State College at Jacksonville. Please
contact the Guidance Office for more details.
Seacoast uses a variety of curriculum, such as: Glencoe; Holt, Rinehart, and Winston; Wordly Wise; Bob Jones University Press; and Text Word.
SCA is a full member of the Florida High School Athletic Association and a founding member of the Florida Christian Athletic League Conference. Participation in athletics and/or extracurricular activities/competitions (Interscholastic) necessitates that students meet certain academic requirements. SCA participates in volleyball (girls grades 6-12), football (boys grades 8-12), basketball (boys/ girls grades 6-12), baseball (boys), and softball (girls).
There are courses in art, dance, and chorus for grades 6-12. Art students enter art work in regional and state competitions with ACSI. Students in the Fine Arts Department are involved in various performances during the year. There are two performances; one at Christmas and one in the spring.
We use the Renaissance Star standardized assessment which offers the latest norms from a national empirical study, as well as the PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10. Previous standardized test results from the Stanford Achievement Test indicate that 75% of SCA students perform better than 75% of all students taking the test.
SCA is a non-denominational Christian school and our students attend a variety of churches in the Jacksonville area. Please read our statement of faith in the Parent/ Student Handbook.
SCA accepts the following scholarships :
Step Up scholarship – FTC Income Based
StepUp scholarship-FES, Family Empowerment (in some cases previously McKay scholarship)
Step Up scholarship – FES-UA Family Empowerment with Unique Abilities
( previously Gardner scholarship)
AAA scholarship – Income Based
All students ( even those with scholarships) must go through the application process and be accepted by the Admissions Team.
Normal school days are 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The school office is open from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.